1689 Baptist Confession of Faith

The Resources

Usually when I give resources recommendations, I would say, one or twice a month, I would refer to those resources just to see what other teachers say on the matter and to make sure I am not going off the rails.

When it comes to studying not in my wheelhouse, I will confess to you today, I am going to lean on these resources hard. Like, almost like a crutch. I will unapologetically borrow (aka copy) from these resources.

Of course, I am not a heathen: where I copy word for word, I will footnote it with the quickness.

(Including in each post within the WCF series will be a listing of these resources. Just assume I will be using them with every single post and episode.)

But I do have to divvy these resources up into two categories--which is not split up in the way you think it will be.

It Goes Without Saying


ESV Reformation Study Bible
Commentary & Edited by R.C. Sproul.
Ligonier Ministries. March 16, 2015.

I am starting to lean towards this particular Study Bible because RC Sproul teaches and references historical creeds, confessions, and catechisms in his study notes. Truly succinct and helpful.


Christian Standard Bible
Holmon Publishing. 2020.

Many times, many teachers, preachers, and small group leaders (myself included) will "cut straight to the chase" and engage the commentary instead of engaging the Word of God. Remember, the commentaries are not without error—they are the observations of the author.

Slow down, pray, read, chew and meditate.

Note: I use the Christian Standard Bible version on this blog default. Other translations, such as the ESV or the NIV1984, will be noted as such.

ESV Study Bible
Crossway. 2016.

Incredible resource.

If I had to pick just one format (hardcover vs. leather vs. paperback vs. digital), I use it way more in my Olive Tree Study Bible than anything else.

Hebrew Greek Key Word Study Bible.
New American Standard Bible 1977.
AMG International. 2008.

Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible.
NIV 1984.
Zondervan. 2003.

Life Application Study Bible.
NIV 2011.
Zondervan. 2011.


Institutes of the Christian Religion: Calvin's Own 'Essentials' Edition.
John Calvin. Robert White (Translator).
Banner of Truth. 2014.

I bump this up to the top because I have just started reading Calvin's Institutes with some friends from church. And halfway done, this is a must have when working through the 1689.

Take a look see at the Table of Contents and compare that to the 1689:

The Knowledge of GodII. Of God and the Holy Trinity
The Knowledge of Man and Free WillIX. Of Free Will
The LawXVIX. Of the Law of God
Faith, with an Explanation of the Apostles’ CreedXIV. Of Saving Faith
RepentanceXV. Of Repentance Unto Life and Salvation
Justification by Faith and the Merits of WorksXI. Of Justification
The Similarity and Difference between the Old and New TestamentsI. Of The Holy Scriptures
The Predestination and Providence of GodIII. Of God's Decree
Prayer, with an Explanation of Our Lord’s Prayer
The SacramentsXXVIII. Of Baptism and the Lord's Supper
BaptismXXVIX. Of Baptism
The Lord’s SupperXXX. Of the Lord's Supper
The Five Ceremonies Falsely Called Sacraments
Christian FreedomXXI. Of Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience
The Power of the ChurchXXVI. Of the Church
Civil GovernmentXXIV. Of the Civil Magistrate
The Christian LifeXVI. Of Good Works

I would be absolutely remiss if I didn't have Calvin's Institutes by my side during this writing process.

The Baptist Confession of Faith 1689: Or the Second London Confession with Scripture Proofs
by Peter Masters.
Wakeman Trust. January 1, 1981.

To the Judicious and Impartial Reader: Baptist Symbolics Volume 2.
by James Renihan.
Founders Press. 2022.

And then a new exposition on the 1689 dropping in January from Rob Ventura:

A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689
by Rob Ventura.
Mentor. January 17, 2023.

In the meantime, this Modern Exposition from Samuel Waldron was used as a textbook for his class in seminary:

Modern Exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith.
5th Edition. Samuel E. Waldron.
Evangelical Press. 2016.

Annnnnnnd that's it. One book hard to get, one on the 1644 (for Particular Baptists--which I am not one) and two books that have not dropped.

What do you do?

I will then take the Westminster Exposition from R.C. Sproul and the WCF from Banner of Truth and let the good times roll. Also, the Creedal Imperative is a must have.

Truths We Confess: A Systematic Exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith
by R.C. Sproul.
Reformation Trust Publishing. 2019. Goodreads

Do you know me? Have you been on this website for longer than a second? Will I always use an R.C. Sproul book if possible? Absolutely yes.

In my humble opinion, Dr. Sproul was one of the greatest Bible teachers of my generation. I have read his commentaries cover to cover. I have studied through his Philosophy courses at Ligonier. When he spoke, I did my best to listen.

His ministry has had the greatest impact on my Christian life. What I love is that he is a Presbyterian and I am a Reformed Baptist. We don't agree on everything but at a distance, I am certainly mentored and shaped by him.

And in God's great grace, this book was released shortly after his death. This book all but confirmed my unction that I should study the Confessions. I would not have this series without his work and his influence on my life.

The Westminster Confession: The Confession of Faith, The Larger and Shorter Catechism
The Westminster Divines.
Banner of Truth. 2018. Goodreads

How I did come to discover this book? My wife would say I do spend a lot of money and time on the Banner of Trust website. To which I would confess, "I haven't bought every book. I still have thousands left to purchase." One day. Oh, one fine day.

This particular book caught my attention for nothing else but the description, "Biblical References are given in full."

Oh, when it comes to books, I have more than a few hot takes. Number one, endnotes are of the devil and end all be all proof the total depravity of man. Seriously, book publishers, you want more of my money? I would happily spend $5 more on the same book for footnotes instead of endnotes. And if you stick a gun to my head and made me choose, I rather have no notes than endnotes. They suck my soul dry.

Number two hot take: why on earth would you not just list the full Biblical reference. Not just in book but in church's websites, wherever. I remember landing at my last wonderful church, Frontline Church in Oklahoma City. Since I wanted to be a member, I pull down all the resources and materials, including their Doctrine of Statement.

"Beautiful", I thought, "I know where they stand on any statement." Open that PDF up and... complete deflation. They mention the Bible passages but just the location.

So I took the time to redesign and added full Biblical references. To make it work, I had to use three columns of text.

So when I saw the full Biblical references on this resource for the Westminster Confession, I instantly handed over some cash and got this wonderful resource in my hands. Sit and read it with me. You will not be disappointed.


The Creedal Imperative
by Carl Trueman.
Crossway. 2012.

At the time of this post, I have yet to read through this. But when I popped on r/Reformed and asked for a few good resources, this book was overwhelmingly recommended.

I will read this through as we are going through the series.

All That Is in God: Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Classical Christian Theism.
James E. Dolezal.
Reformation Heritage Books. 2017.


Site: Doctrine & Devotion
The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith
with Scriptural References


Calvin's Commentaries.
John Calvin.
Baker. 2009.
Olive Tree


The Cross of Christ.
John R.W. Stott. 2006.

The Death of Death in the Death of Christ.
John Owen.
Banner of Truth. 2007.

No Condemnation in Christ Jesus: As Unfolded in the Eighth Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans.
Octavius Winslow.
Banner of Trust. 1991.

On the Incarnation.
Athanasius of Alexandria.
St. Vladimir's Seminary Press. 1977.

All That Is in God: Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Classical Christian Theism.
James E. Dolezal.
Reformation Heritage Books. 2017.

Reformed Dogmatics.
Herman Bavinck, John Bolt (Editor), John Vriend (Translator).
Baker Academic. 2003.

The Wonderful Works of God.
Herman Bavinck.
Westminster Seminary Press. 2019.

Systematic Theology.
Louis Berkhof.
Eerdmans. 1996.

God is Love.
Gerald L. Bray.
Crossway. 2012.

The Existence and Attributes of God, Volume 1-2.
Stephen Charnock, Mark Jones (Editor).
Crossway. 2022.

Systematic Theology.
Charles Hodge.
Hendrickson Academic. 1999.

The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way.
Michael S. Horton.
Zondervan. 2011.

The Complete Works.
John Owen, Lee Gatiss (Series Editor), Shawn D. Wright (Series Editor).
Crossway. 2022.

Knowing God.
J.I. Packer.
Crossway. 2023.

The Works of John Wesley.
John Wesley.
Beacon Hill Press. 1978.