Praying Through: Psalm 37:1-2
The Psalm
Psalm 37 (CSB)
1 Do not be agitated by evildoers; do not envy those who do wrong.2 For they wither quickly like grass and wilt like tender green plants.
The Prayer
My Only Source
What is our lives, O Lord
- that we would be counted as precious
- that you would be mindful of us
- that you would set your affections upon us
- that you would give your grace to us
- and you would want to cherish us?
But Lord,
- we are here for a moment
- our lives are but a blink
- your word says,
- like dew on grass
- until the early morning sun
- scorches the fields
- and burns us all away.
- keep my mind on these things
- that what I might do here
- will give you eternal glory.
Let wait upon your words
- so I might only prophesy
- and build up your church.
Let my hands and feet
- run after
- those in need
- and serve according to your will.
Let me only herald
- the eternal kingdom
- of the Son of David
- and evangelize till the end of the earth
- "The Kingdom of God is here!"
Help me not waste one second of my life
- but give you eternal glory.
I pray this in your Son's precious and holy name forever.