Praying Through: Psalm 119:9
The Psalm
Psalms 119:9 (CSB) How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping your word.
The Prayer
My Living Word
How can I keep my way pure?
- By trusting in you
- For your word says
- You are the way, the truth, and the life
- and
- if I believe the Son of God
- I will live forever
- if I do not believe the Son of God
- then your wrath remains upon me.
But then how do I believe in the Son perfectly?
- I cannot
- because I was born into sin
- I have to have someone who was born perfectly
- lived perfectly
- died without sin
- and because doing so
- rose again from death
- for me
- because I cannot believe perfectly.
But the same Christ
- whom I must trust for eternal life
- is the same Christ
- who lived and died for me.
Praise be the name of the Lord
- who is alone
- is worth to be praised and adored.