Romans 8:27 Who Defines Us in the Midst of Our Sin?
The Text
Romans 8:27 (CSB) And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because he intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
The Support
Where do you see God in the text? What does the text say about God?
Our God
This is a fantastic God
What compares to the knowledge of God when He alone reveals all truth and science to us? Yet, he is not merely the best supercomputer in the world with every single piece of knowledge and scientific fact ever.
What compares to the knowledge of God that he numbers the stars in the all of the cosmos, grains of sand on all the beaches and even the number of the hairs on your head? But he is not the greatest calculator that can count really, really high.
What compares to the knowledge of God that he not only knows the past but knows the future. He is not some brilliant scientist who has discovered time travel. He knows the future because he made the future.
What compares to the knowledge of God that he searches the whole world but he is not merely the best surveillance system ever.
This is the God who actually, perfectly knows each and every one of us. But what does that even mean in our world today? Where we put ourselves on social media but only show the world what we want them to see. But every single one of us are yearning to be truly seen and truly known—maybe not by everybody but by somebody.
Maybe we think, “I hope that God sees the good inside of me.” But what if this God saw a lot deeper than that. What if he saw past your social media posts, and then your walls, and then past your personality? What if he could peer inside your soul and see the deepest corners of your heart? What would God see then?
What if he saw your bad? Your fears, your doubts, your sin, your trespasses? You might think if he saw that, he couldn’t possibly want you or even love you?
The Gospel
Here’s the truth: he knows all of that. But this is the mind of the Spirit: way before you were born, the stars were placed in the sky or even before there was even dirt, he made up his mind about you.
Long before Genesis 1:1, he saw into the future and saw you not at your best or your greatest but at your weakest, sickest, and most terrible. Before you could even fathom a thought, God thought of you, loved you, and set the plan in motion not only to create you but to save you.
Who is truly like this God who is not scared nor frightened of your deepest sins? Who is like him whose heart breaks for what broke yours? Who grieved over your pain and also, who was rightfully jealous when you ran away from him?
Ah, but he knows you and sees you truly for who you are.
His reaction is not one of condemnation and tosses you away. He does not strike you down where you stand. He does not turn his back on you. Instead, he comes after you: not like the Devil Lion who would only consume your soul but the like the Protective Hound who simple chases you down, places you gently into his jaws and carries you back to safety.
I know this to be true because he sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who came not into the world to condemn you but only through him, to save you.
My Beloved, if you are his adoptive, precious child then do not fear that God knows you inside and out as he is only here to remind you of your fears and weaknesses. That is the Devil’s job. But Rejoice! For God sees you, knows you, loves you and wrote your name in His Son’s book of life. Run to him! Flee to him! Let him comfort you in the only way a perfect Father could ever do.
Hosea 2:14 (CSB) Therefore, I am going to persuade her, lead her to the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her.
Zephaniah 3:17 (CSB) The LORD your God is among you, a warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will be quiet in his love. He will delight in you with singing.”
Because he loves you.
Oh, the mighty love of God be will with us all today and forever. Amen.
Our Response
But what if you don’t know God like this? What if this is all foreign to you? Just know that our precious God made sure there is more than ample room at the foot of the cross of Christ for you.
Let the Almighty God take you into his strong arms as he begins to constantly, consistently, thoughtfully, and lovingly pray and intercede for you according His own will because he loves you.
I pray that everyone who reads these words would know that God didn’t create you and left you behind. He didn’t save you and then distance from you. God didn’t rescue you and then be disconnected from you. No! He saved you, pulled you in close, whispers blessings into your ear, rejoices and sings over you in gladness!