Praying Through: Psalm 23:3b He Leads Me Along The Right Paths For His Name’s Sake
The Psalm
Psalm 23:3b (CSB) he leads me along the right paths for his name’s sake.
The Prayer
I am often reminded of my sinful ways of the past. As the vines grew up from my heart and slowly and surely tightened around my neck as I continuously die without thought
But you, my God, broke the spell of the sin over my life.
But time after time, I see those weeds grow. I feel the cancer thriving in my heart. I sense the sin that crouches for me and waits to pierce my soul with his poison.
But you see it, too,
You come down and burn those weeds with extreme prejudice. You come in like the perfect surgeon, with a laser scalpel and burn away those cells, leaving only a soft and tender heart. You come into your pasture and violently bash in the head of the serpent with the heel of your foot.
You have sent your Spirit to walk, lead, and guide me through the darkest valleys. But I never fear. You are my Lord and God. Protector. Giver. Beloved.
I praise and adore you forever.