Praying Through: Psalm 31:9-10
The Psalm
Psalm 31:9–10 (CSB)
9 Be gracious to me, LORD, because I am in distress; my eyes are worn out from frustration— my whole being as well.10 Indeed, my life is consumed with grief and my years with groaning; my strength has failed because of my iniquity, and my bones waste away.
The Prayer
Keeper of my heart
I have spent all of my days
- wandering from your presence
- searching for new idols
- finding new ways to sin against you
And my life aches and groans in pain,
- not only of the sin against me
- but mostly because of my own sin.
Lord, hear my cries
- do not abandon me
- do not let me see evil
- do not take your Spirit from me
Lord, I have no idea of what you’ve called me
- but it will not be easy
- and it will take all of your grace
- and you must give me your heart and Spirit
- for me to do your will. But I love you Lord and I cry out loud to worship and praise your holy name. My soul and heart rejoices. May everything in me and all that I have bless your holy name Forever. Amen.