26.14 Of The Bride: Brothers & Sisters of Christ
Table of Contents
- The Text
- The Chapter
- The Confession
- As each church, and all the members of it, are bound to pray continually for the good and prosperity of all the churches of Christ
- in all places, and upon all occasions to further every one within the bounds of their places and callings, in the exercise of their gifts and graces, so the churches, when planted by the providence of God, so as they may enjoy opportunity and advantage for it, ought to hold communion among themselves, for their peace, increase of love, and mutual edification
The Text
1 Thessalonians 2:8 (NIV 1984) We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.
The Chapter
As each church, and all the members of it, are bound to pray continually for the good and prosperity of all the churches of Christ, in all places, and upon all occasions to further every one within the bounds of their places and callings, in the exercise of their gifts and graces, so the churches, when planted by the providence of God, so as they may enjoy opportunity and advantage for it, ought to hold communion among themselves, for their peace, increase of love, and mutual edification.
// The essence of this passage is that every church and its members have a duty to consistently pray for the well-being and success of all Christian churches globally. They should actively support one another within their capabilities and roles, using their unique talents and spiritual gifts. When churches are established by God's guidance, they should seek to maintain fellowship with each other to promote peace, love, and mutual growth.
The Confession
As each church, and all the members of it, are bound to pray continually for the good and prosperity of all the churches of Christ
Ephesians 6:18 (CSB) Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.
Psalm 122:6 (CSB) Pray for the well-being of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure;
If I had said it once, I will say it a million times: you want to do the most for your brothers and sisters? Pray.

For the gym bros and sisters out there: prayer is the deadlift of the spiritual world. You want to move the most weight with the simpliest movement? Pray.
My grandma was the tiniest woman. I could easily one arm press her above my head. But when it came to matters of the spiritual, she out-prayed me on my best day. How do I know this? I saw this little woman pray every day since I was a baby.
I saw her pray her husband into the kingdom. Then my dad. Then me. Then my son.
Four generations of wicked, depraved, chief of sinners--hating ourselves and hating one another (Titus 3:3). But my God used my grandma to pray us in. So when the goodness of God appeared and saved us, everybody who knew her knew it had to be the Lord our God.
in all places, and upon all occasions to further every one within the bounds of their places and callings, in the exercise of their gifts and graces, so the churches, when planted by the providence of God, so as they may enjoy opportunity and advantage for it, ought to hold communion among themselves, for their peace, increase of love, and mutual edification
Romans 16:1–2 (CSB) I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is a servant of the church in Cenchreae. So you should welcome her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints and assist her in whatever matter she may require your help. For indeed she has been a benefactor of many—and of me also.
3 John 8–10 (CSB) Therefore, we ought to support such people so that we can be coworkers with the truth. I wrote something to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have first place among them, does not receive our authority. This is why, if I come, I will remind him of the works he is doing, slandering us with malicious words. And he is not satisfied with that! He not only refuses to welcome fellow believers, but he even stops those who want to do so and expels them from the church.
I am not here to guilt you into praying more. We all have not prayed as we should. Christ is the perfect example of prayer. He would break away on a whim to spend time with the Father. But God knows we don't pray. That is why it is the Triune God at work to pray with us and for us. How?
First, the Spirit intercedes for us.
Romans 8:26–27 (CSB) In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because he intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
So the Almighty Spirit, who is God, prays for us. And if that is not enough, it is the Christ who prays for us as well:
Romans 8:34 (CSB) Who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is the one who died, but even more, has been raised; he also is at the right hand of God and intercedes for us.
So what is prayer? How can we pray for our brothers and sisters? Prayer is speaking to the Father in heaven. Christ's Father and our Father. His God and our God. (John 20:17)
But dear saint, I know you feel like your words are not enough or you don't know how to pray. But cheer up, you are never alone. For it is the same Triune God that dwells in you and raised you from the dead is the same God who prays and intercedes with you.
Blessed be his holy name forever.