Praying Through: Psalm 34:19-22
The Psalm
The Prayer
The Sovereign Power over my life
My God,
- if I was raped
- tortured
- bruised
- afflicted
- pressed
- crushed
- beaten
- sicken
- destroyed
- attacked
- for all of my days
- If I faced unspeakable
- evil acts against me
I will call upon you
- to give me your Son
- to give me your Spirit
- to raise my lowly head
- to open my eyes
- to see your lovely face
- once more
- to take me home
My life before you
- was everything evil
- was none of it good
- it was torturous
- crushing
- back-breaking
- afflicting
- because of the sheer weight
- of all of my sins.
The evil I have done
- was enough to try to take my life
- and surely I was not good
- surely I would have perish
- and be under the wrath of your Son
- forever.
For I was once foolish,
- disobedient,
- led astray,
- slaves to various passions and pleasures,
- passing my days in malice and envy,
- hated by others
- and hating everybody.
But when
- the goodness and
- loving kindness of
- God my Savior appeared,
- you saved me.
Not because of any works I have done in righteousness,
- because everything that I have ever done
- are stench of death to your nostrils.
But why?
- According to your own mercy,
- by the washing me in regeneration and
- renewal of the Holy Spirit,
- whom you have poured out on me
- richly through Jesus Christ my Savior,
- so that I am justified by his grace
- and I might become an heir
- according to the hope of eternal life.
Praise your lovely name on high.