Praying Through: Psalm 21
The Psalm
Psalm 21 (CSB)
For the choir director. A psalm of David.1 LORD, the king finds joy in your strength. How greatly he rejoices in your victory!
2 You have given him his heart’s desire and have not denied the request of his lips. Selah
3 For you meet him with rich blessings; you place a crown of pure gold on his head.
4 He asked you for life, and you gave it to him— length of days forever and ever.
5 His glory is great through your victory; you confer majesty and splendor on him.
6 You give him blessings forever; you cheer him with joy in your presence.
7 For the king relies on the LORD; through the faithful love of the Most High he is not shaken.
8 Your hand will capture all your enemies; your right hand will seize those who hate you.
9 You will make them burn like a fiery furnace when you appear; the LORD will engulf them in his wrath, and fire will devour them.
10 You will wipe their progeny from the earth and their offspring from the human race.
11 Though they intend to harm you and devise a wicked plan, they will not prevail.
12 Instead, you will put them to flight when you ready your bowstrings to shoot at them.
13 Be exalted, LORD, in your strength; we will sing and praise your might.
The Prayer
My Lord and My God,
My focus is far from you, the one who sets up Kings and puts them down. I have been distracted by the choosing of kings rather to place my focus on the King of kings.
It is in you, O Lord, where my strength resides
my salvation is present
my heart's desire
my soul's fulfillment.
Be my provision. Be my grace. Be my mercy. Be my life. Be my zeal. Be my might. Be my glory.
Bless me, O Lord.
Smile upon me.
Help me to trust in you, your faithfulness, and your steadfast love.
Hold me in your hands.
Protect me from the enemy of my soul.
My life is yours, O God. I love you with all of my heart.