Praying Through: Psalm 34:6
The Psalm
Psalm 34 (CSB)
6 This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him and saved him from all his troubles.
The Prayer
My everything
I lack.
- I am weak.
- I have nothing.
- I am poor.
- I am dead.
Whatever I have is from you.
- This roof upon my head.
- Clothes on my back.
- My warm bed.
- My beautiful wife.
- My wonderful children.
- My running cars.
- My vocation.
All of it comes from you alone.
But I have everything.
- I am wealthy beyond measure.
- I am strong.
- I am the richest.
- I am fully alive.
All of because I am in full possession of your Son Jesus Christ.
He is my rock
He is my fortress
He is my redeemer
He is my strength
He is my beloved
And I am his.
Keep me close to you.
- Do not let me go.
- Do what you must
- to keep me with you.