Praying Through: Psalm 23:5a Circumstances Abound
The Psalm
Psalm 23:5a (CSB) You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies
The Prayer
My God,
I have been crushed and
- discarded a hundred times.
- But, I have warred against you
- thousand more.
Yet, you sent your Son to live
- and die for me.
And now I live for you.
I will never understand
- why you saved me,
- but I only know that
- because I have sin much
- You have forgiven much.
Now I know you let me sit
- at your table,
- when I should been
- condemned for treason.
You knew I was an enemy,
- and you then declared me
- as your friend.
My God, remind me always that,
- I do not do battle
- against prisoners of war,
- but against the rulers
- who imprisoned them.
Give me your almighty strength,
- and your invincible armour,
- and let me help
- you set the captives free.
In your Son’s name I pray. Amen.