Praying Through: Psalm 33:2-3
The Psalm
Psalm 33:2–3 (CSB) Praise the LORD with the lyre; make music to him with a ten-stringed harp. Sing a new song to him; play skillfully on the strings, with a joyful shout.
The Prayer
Only One Worthy of all my praises
Who was the only one
- who created the heavens
- from a thought
- who created the earth
- from a whisper?
Who was the only one
- from deep love
- and passionate affections
- for a desire
- to create a perfect relationship
- with a creation
- out of a perfect community?
Who was the only one
- who preached his perfect standard
- who grieved when we rebelled
- who filled with sorrow
- when we wage war against you
- who cried when we turned away from you?
Who was the only one
- who never flinched at our wickedness
- who never balked at our sinfulness
- who never backed away from our evilness
- who ALONE who stared death
- through his skull
- and with the loudest voice
- and the deepest wells of tears
- the same tongue who spoke
- all creation into existence
- cries out
Who resurrected my dead heart?
Who was like that?
No one.
No one could nor willing nor had the power.
You alone.
You alone are God.
You alone are good forever.