Praying Through: Psalm 119:153-160

The Psalm

Psalm 119:153–160 (CSB)
153 Consider my affliction and rescue me, for I have not forgotten your instruction.

154 Champion my cause and redeem me; give me life as you promised.

155 Salvation is far from the wicked because they do not study your statutes.

156 Your compassions are many, LORD; give me life according to your judgments.

157 My persecutors and foes are many. I have not turned from your decrees.

158 I have seen the disloyal and feel disgust because they do not keep your word.

159 Consider how I love your precepts; LORD, give me life according to your faithful love.

160 The entirety of your word is truth, each of your righteous judgments endures forever.

The Prayer

My Living Word

I needed salvation

  • because I needed your Son
  • not to just save me once
  • but to save me always
  • and to be my life and hope
  • forevermore.

I know all of these truths

  • that even in my deepest sin
  • you have been so merciful
  • and compassionate
  • and loving towards me
  • because I have your Son
  • my Lord Jesus Christ
  • for now and always.

I give thanks to you

  • Almighty God
  • there is none like you.
