Praying Through: Psalm 33:6
The Psalm
Psalm 33:6 (CSB) The heavens were made by the word of the LORD, and all the stars, by the breath of his mouth.
The Prayer
Creator and Redeemer
You are majestic
- and altogether mighty.
You alone brought something
- out of nothing.
- You alone can do that.
When you created me,
you did so from what was created.
Out of dirt.
But you also created me
out of your heart
because of your love for me.
And you created me
out of your begotten
for He was the firstborn
among many brethen.
Because of my sin
- I was destined to go back into dirt
- apart from you
- and under your wrath.
Yet, in your great love,
- you predestined me
- not to dirt but to life
- not apart but to fullness of joy
- not under your wrath but under your right hand
- with pleasures forevermore.