Praying Through: Psalm 23:6c You Will Always Be With Me
The Psalm
Psalm 23:6c (CSB) will pursue me
The Prayer
My Blessed Redeemer,
Your Word stands true.
For you have declared that,
- your law is perfect
- and it revives my soul.
Your testimony is sure,
- turning my foolishness
- into wisdom.
Moreover, your precepts are always right,
- my heart rejoices.
Your commandments are pure,
- now my eyes can now see.
To fear you is my righteousness,
- I will be with you forever.
Once more, your rules are truth,
- and right-standing altogether.
I desire you, O Lord,
- more so than all the riches.
I love you, my God,
- and you are sweeter than honey,
- and the drippings of
- a honeycomb.
If you say you have spoken to me,
- then you will abide me forever.
If you say your Son died for me
- then I will live to you forever.
If you say your Spirit has sealed me,
- then I am yours forever. Be exalted in my praise,
- my Lord and God.