Praying Through: Psalm 35:1-3
The Psalm
Psalm 35:1–3 (CSB)
1 Oppose my opponents, LORD; fight those who fight me.2 Take your shields—large and small— and come to my aid.
3 Draw the spear and javelin against my pursuers, and assure me, “I am your deliverance.”
The Prayer
My Only Shield of Salvation
I remembered
- being attacked
- all of my days
- and having no will to fight
- succumbing to the attacks of Satan
- easily
- like a sheep
- like a prisoner of war
- tortured
- for entertainment
- to despise your holy name.
When you saved me,
- your hand was upon me
- your shield protected me
- you healed my heart
- you mended my bones
- you restored my soul.
But just as David called his mighty men
- you called on me
- there are numerous giants to be slain
- for Satan and his demons
- have sharpened their arrows
- quickened their aim
- sure their shots.
But you are the Commander of the Most High
- and I bow at your command
- I am on your side
- you are my Lord.
Give me your will
- and with your grace
- I will make it my own
- for Your are my Redeemer and Judge
- and your resurrecting Spirit
- is always with me.
Guard me from temptation
- but give me yourself
- my Christ and Lord
- to give me the strength and endurance
- to wrap my hands
- around the necks of my gods
- my torturers
- my giants
- and crushed their windpipes
- until they fall lifeless
- and dead forever.
Sin has not conquered me
- for you alone have conquered sin
- forever.
I love you, Lord.