Praying Through: Psalm 119:73-80

The Psalm

Psalm 119:73–80 (CSB)
73 Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding so that I can learn your commands.

74 Those who fear you will see me and rejoice, for I put my hope in your word.

75 I know, LORD, that your judgments are just and that you have afflicted me fairly.

76 May your faithful love comfort me as you promised your servant.

77 May your compassion come to me so that I may live, for your instruction is my delight.

78 Let the arrogant be put to shame for slandering me with lies; I will meditate on your precepts.

79 Let those who fear you, those who know your decrees, turn to me.

80 May my heart be blameless regarding your statutes so that I will not be put to shame.

The Prayer

My Living Word

I know your word

  • and since I know it
  • I cannot unknow it
  • I am not ignorant of it
  • I must abide in it

But the more I know of your law

  • the more I know I do not keep it
  • I fall infinitely short of your glory
  • I am not perfect
  • please show me mercy
  • send your Christ
  • once and for all
  • to obey your law for me
  • so I can be free
  • to obey you
  • with the power of your Spirit
  • that dwells in me.

Be exalted, O God.
