Praying Through: Psalm 33:16-19
The Psalm
Psalm 33:16–19 (CSB)
16 A king is not saved by a large army; a warrior will not be rescued by great strength.17 The horse is a false hope for safety; it provides no escape by its great power.
18 But look, the LORD keeps his eye on those who fear him— those who depend on his faithful love
19 to rescue them from death and to keep them alive in famine.
The Prayer
My Only Rescuer
In my darkest moments,
- greatest fears
- deepest pains
- I would never turn to you
- and instead I would flee
- to idols and gods
- that I thought would ease the pain
- soothe my anxiety
- save my soul.
My idols were lust
- my gods were pornography
- when I was thirsty
- I would insist on drinking
- crap-infused
- toilet water
But you rescued me
- you have kept my eyes upon you
- you have turn my face
- and my heart
- to you
- the source of everlasting joy.
You are the only one
- who has kept me
- fully and truly
- alive.
- I have your Son
- who bled and died for me.
- I have your Spirit
- who has marked me
- and is the only one
- that will bear witness
- that I am your child.
Please keep me closer
- do not let me stray
- Destroy my idols if you must
- Kill my masters if you please
- Burn this world around me
- Take my soul
- because I do not want to go back to hell
- I just want to be with you
I love you Lord.