Praying Through: Psalm 119:1
The Psalm
Psalm 119:1 (CSB) How happy are those whose way is blameless, who walk according to the LORD’s instruction!
The Prayer
My Living Word
If I have kept your ways
- I would have been happy
- but I have not
- because I was born wicked
- led astray
- in and of sin
- far apart from you.
And sin continues to hunt me down
- and stalk me
- waiting to tear me to shreds
- my own sin
- devours me from the inside out
- infected my thoughts continuously
- breaking my heart over and over again.
- you knew all of that
- because you seen the depths of my soul
- you have peered into my heart
- and have seen nothing but depravity
- weakness
- frailty
- sin
- unholiness
- unrighteousness.
My fathers
- sin mightily
- and I have inherited their worthless estate.
What shall I do?
- I can do nothing
- I have nothing but all of my gross sin
- this is my offering
- my complete worst
- my abomination
- my sins against myself
- others
- You, O God.
You still know
- that I would never come to you
- never ask you for help
- never seek out salvation
- never repent of my sins
- continue in my sin unto death.
But you gave me yourself
- You came to me
- You sent your Son to live and die for me
- You sent your Spirit to raise me from the dead
- you gave me your heart
- all to do what?
To repent of my sins
- to turn my wickedness
- to turn to you
- to run to you
- to plead to you
- to save me from my sins.
And you have
- and you are
- and you will
- because I am yours
- and you are mine
- forever.