Praying Through: Psalm 23:3a He Renews My Life

The Psalm

Psalm 23:3 (CSB) He renews my life

The Prayer

My Lord,

I perish without you.

I cannot live without you.

Apart from you, the hole in my inner being remained infinitely empty.

Without you, I strived

  • and pushed
  • and pulled
  • and made idols
  • and did whatever I need to do in order to fill my soul.

But all of it comes up empty.

But you, O Lord, not only fills my heart to the brim but gives my soul b

  • and new life.

Now, I run after you.

Now I walk with you.

Now you are with me

  • and I am with you forever.

Lord, give me the fullness of your Spirit so I might walk in your statues

  • and obey your commands.

More than that, that I would have the strength to do you what you have called me to do.

For my joy

  • and your glory.


I love you.